VISION: The bARTer collective believes in reImagining the contemporary notion of exchange of currency for product or service. our action-based inquiries originate in a belief of every human needs to be actively creative and actively involved in their community.

MANIFESTO: The bARTer collective is a collective of artists, designers, educators, thought provokers, dreamers, service workers, and citizens who host a mobile exchange space. we trade ___________ for _____________. once we fill in the blankety blanks, we adapt our systemic platform to suit each happening.
The bARTer collective believes in reImagining the contemporary notion of exchange of currency for product or service. our action-based inquiries originate in a belief of every human needs to be actively creative and actively involved in their community.

Our motivation is driven by citizenship and the need to vitalize and contribute to our local community. our approach is to create dynamic situations that present alternative means of exchange where active creation gives way to goods and services. We would gladly trade the mass produced for blowing kisses and hand written notes.

dialogue + creative voice + action + social change = bARTer.

Re/Call – 2018 – Garo, Colorado

Re/Call, hosted at the Rocky Mountain Land Library Labor Day weekend of 2018. This 3-day event combined an exhibition, camping with artists, communal meals, programs, performances and participatory projects. Located in Garo, CO at the Buffalo Peaks Ranch, Re/Call is a curated art and communal experience that celebrates the natural environment, embraces the intersection of art and nature, and lingers between the ethereal and tangible.